What people says about Buildout ? ================================= - Buildout is an exceedingly civilized way to develop an app. --`Jacob Kaplan-Moss, creator of Django`. .. http://jacobian.org/writing/django-apps-with-buildout/ - "While not directly aiming to solve world peace, it perhaps will play a role in the future, as people will be less angry about application deployment and will have more time for making love and music." --`Noah Gift, co-author of 'Python For Unix and Linux' from O'Reilly`. .. http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2008/03/python_buildout_screencast_ava.html - "Even if you are not planning on writing any custom code, the buildout approach is an easy way to install Plone in a robust, well-tested manner." --`Martin Aspeli, Plone core developer`. .. http://plone.org/documentation/tutorial/buildout/tutorial-all-pages - "Buildout was a natural choice for a build and deployment management tool." --`Rob Miller` .. http://theploneblog.org/blog/archive/2008/07/29/templatize-your-buildout.cfg - "Buildout is no longer just for developers. Get your products ready!" --`Steve McMahon` .. http://theploneblog.org/blog/archive/2008/06/09/buildout-integration - "I really think Buildout is the only sane way to develop anything serious using python these days" --`Ignas Mikalajunas` .. http://zope3.pov.lt/irclogs/%23zope3-dev.2009-03-31.log.html